Crossing The Picket Line: John MCain’s Maverick Moment

McCain’s move proves that once in a while, even Republicans realize that there is such a thing as the national interest. There are men who are not willing to follow those who would paralyze U.S. government simply because they want to undo the results of the 2008 election.


Senator John McCain may be a man of honor after all.

For years, the retired decorated military man dubbed himself a “maverick” who didn’t follow the crowd. During the presidential campaign, we had some very critical editorials denouncing the Senator; he failed to strongly criticize some of the people who showed up at his and running mate Sarah Palin’s rallies who, every time Barack Obama’s name was mentioned, yelled “Kill him.”

We said McCain was tolerating race-hatred just to gain votes from racists and others who opposed a potential Black president. Palin, an extremely obnoxious person claimed Obama had been “palling around with terrorists.” Indeed, Obama himself, normally calm and cool under fire, raised the issue of the volatile remarks going unchallenged during his final debate with Senator McCain.

Also, prominent Republicans such as McCain have been silent over the past several months, as Palin and racial arsonists such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck poisoned the political environment with bigotry, promoting divisiveness with their Tea Party allies. After the recent midterm election, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell infamously declared that his number one mission was, get this, not economic recovery and putting food on the tables of Americans, but to ensure that Obama is a one-term president. This is leadership?

It’s the same type of rhetoric we’ve heard from Republicans since Obama was elected: loudmouth Limbaugh opened the attacks, declaring “I hope he fails” even before the president was sworn in and while the nation was losing nearly 800,000 jobs a month. Limbaugh, who earns millions a year, can’t relate to economic hardship. Then when the president was fighting for healthcare reform on behalf of the 42 million Americans who currently don’t have insurance coverage, Senator Jim Demint declared, gleefully, that reform would fail and that healthcare would be Obama’s “Waterloo.” Never mind the 42 million Americans; and the millions who declare bankruptcy as a result of catastrophic healthcare bills. Of course healthcare reform was enacted; no thanks to Limbaugh, Beck, Palin as well as the elected Republican lawmakers.

Since McConnell’s perverted declaration, Republicans have all but abandoned the business of government. Senator Jon Kyle, who had previously backed the new START Treaty with Russia, suddenly flip-flopped. He might have been called by McConnell and the other Republican “leaders” and ordered not to work with the president. Yet, without a Treaty in place, the U.S. currently can’t conduct inspections of Russia’s nuclear weapons arsenal.

Enter Senator McCain.

He has announced that he is willing to support the Treaty; and now Senator George Voinovich of Ohio, has expressed willingness to vote to ratify. They join Senator Richard Luger of Indiana, who had maintained his support.

McCain’s move proves that once in a while, even Republicans realize that there is such a thing as the national interest. There are men who are not willing to follow those who would paralyze U.S. government simply because they want to undo the results of the 2008 election.

The country is going to need more such men when the Tea Party backed House members invade Washington early next year.

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

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