The Un-Christian Attacks Against Obama

No doubt, by suggesting, traducing and slandering Senator Obama–that the Democratic torch-bearer claimed to be Jesus himself, the Messiah, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, or Moses, Senator John McCain’s campaign crossed the Rubicon.

[View From Abroad: Election 2008]


The spiritual venom and stench spewed forth against Senator Barack Obama by some religious groupings via print media, the internet, radio and television has reached overseas shores.

This may tarnish the image of the U.S. that Senator Obama burnished during his recent trip overseas; moreover, it’s wreaking destruction along the way, so that Obama’s lead in the opinion polls over McCain has dwindled.

No doubt, by suggesting, traducing and slandering Senator Obama–that the Democratic torch-bearer claimed to be Jesus himself, the Messiah, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, or Moses, Senator John McCain’s campaign crossed the Rubicon. His aides and associates blasphemed against the scri ptures, the Word of God and against Christians — irrespective of their leanings – all over the world.

In addition, by not clearly distancing himself from those “religious” groupings who are falsely equating Obama with the “Antichrist”, Senator McCain is acting like a receiver of stolen goods and in the process harming Christianity.

Who is actually the “Antichrist” according to the Bible? As a matter of fact, the Bible mentions, in the book of Daniel 11: 36 — Old Testament and Jewish Testament — in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3,4 and in  Revelation 13:18, the “Antichrist”,  who will work miracles and  bring about and stage the greatest tribulation never experienced before on earth.

For those who believe only in secular scholarship, I challenge any human being on earth to take these passages to any scholar of linguistics worldwide, to plead with him or her to go over and through these passages with a fine tooth comb of discourse analysis and  linguistic analysis – pragmatics — in order to find out the “presuppositions” and the “implicatures” of these passages.

So, let’s ditch and relinquish our imagery and our idle musings; let’s practise close reading and believe and practice the scri ptures in letter and in spirit, just as the caregivers of John the Baptist did.

A real and true Christian ought to emulate the Jews of Beroea in the book of Acts, New Testament.  Beroea was then a town in Macedonia but is located today in northern Greece. The Bible says that those Christians held noble attitude because they did not only lap up what they heard, but checked up if the messages they heard from those who were breaking the good tidings to them, did really tally with the scri ptures. Why don’t those slandering, backbiting religious groupings bashing Senator Obama take their cue from the Jews of Beroea? The pictures bearing and carrying gadgets and jerseys portraying Senator Obama as the “Antichrist” are simply ugly, disgusting, stinking, appalling and cruddy.  

The American pastor David Wilkerson prophesied in a vision he got from the Jesus in the 1970s that the political “Antichrist” would arise in Europe, not in the U.S.

We know from Nathan Uzorma, a former occult master now rooted in Jesus, that the political “Antichrist” would have reached the Universal Occult Realm Tier 666 mentioned in the book of Revelation. He would be manipulated by evil spirits of a higher occult tier.

It’s therefore wrong to broadcast that Senator Obama is the “Antichrist”. Why don’t  his religious critics simply benchmark him against the fruits – his thoughts, deeds, utterances and spiritual  development — he yields?

Many have kept slandering him, biting him, like dogs, maliciously and cynically impugning his credibility and integrity and claiming in the process that they’re Christians. Would Jesus-Christ Himself congratulate those critics on engaging in a suchlike smear campaign?  Would Apostle Paul have engaged in such vile activities? Would the 12 apostles and pillars resort to such a dementia? The answer is clearly “no”.

Do these religious groupings know that Biblical prophecies oftentimes unfold gradually and inconspicuously? Salem Kirban, another Christian author wrote about gradualism in one of his books.

Sen. Obama is a follower of Jesus-Christ who wants to be the “Salt of the world”, just as the Lord Jesus-Christ calls upon all real and true Christians to be the “Salt of the world”. As recommended by Christ in the Bible, he doesn’t want to hide the light that he receives from the Lord, but wish that all may see it.

On another score, it’s common currency that the President of the United States is the most powerful man on earth, and the leader of the world,  because he’s, from a human prospective,  the Commander- in-chief and the leader of the only remaining superpower on earth. Why all that kerfuffle when Obama guns and vies for that top job so as to become the leader of the world?

Brian Kirby, an American pastor with the moderate Evangelical “Emmanuel International Church” in the outskirts of Paris, France, contended the other day: “So this type of video and rumor could eventually do some damage. Even if they were Evangelicals who were thinking of maybe voting Obama, any doubt on his Christianity would immediately change their minds.”

He added: “I think that comparing Obama to the Antichrist is a gross exaggeration, a farce. It’s like the people who insist on Obama’s Muslim origins although he has been very open about his personal spiritual journey, his conversion to Christianity and his baptism. When I go back to North Carolina, I’m faced with people who tell me, ‘I could never vote for a Muslim’. It’s dangerous rhetoric.” 

Have these Christians ever heard of the spiritual rebirth Jesus dilates upon in his discussion with Nicodemus in the Gospel of John? Sen. Obama is a born-again Christian. He’s growing in the Lord — period.

The “Antichrist” is styled the  “Son of perdition” in the Bible; he´ll be  the one who would perform wonders and miracles and mislead crowds world-wide; is Obama the born-again Christian misleading crowds world-wide by performing miracles? The answer is “no”.

Beware, Christians, for the Bible says: “Blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” (Revelation, 22: 14-15)

It’s noteworthy that “dogs” are those who engage in biting and backbiting.

Christians, wake up, watch out, read the scri ptures and emulate the Jews of Beroea mentioned in the book of Acts – in the New Testament.



Black Star News columnist Mathias Victorien Ntep is a PhD candidate at the University of Frankfurt/Main Germany.


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