You’re Fired! Rally Against Trump In Jogger Case

Barely a week after these young men were arrested, real estate personality Donald Trump helped feed the racist hysteria surrounding this case.

[Political News]

The Central Park Jogger  5 case is about five innocent Black and Latino teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of the rape and near murder of a young white female who was jogging in New York City’s Central Park in 1989.

Their convictions were based on false confessions coerced from them by the NYC Police Department.

Thirteen years later, another man, convicted of similar crimes, made a full confession and his DNA matched. Despite outrage from some in the police department and the original prosecutors, the cases have now been overturned.  In 2003, civil suits were begun by the five defendants against New York City.

Barely a week after these young men were arrested, real estate personality Donald Trump helped feed the racist hysteria surrounding this case. Trump took out full page advertisement in all five major New York City newspapers, calling for the return of the death penalty so that these innocent children, then 14 to 16 years old,  could be executed.

Since their exoneration Trump has said nothing about the role he played in assuring their wrongful conviction and done nothing to push the City to settle the Five’s civil suit for damages.

The rally will be on Saturday, November 7, 2009, at 12 PM in front of the Trump Tower, 725 Fifth Avenue,  between 56 and  57 Streets, Manhattan. For more information call (718) 398-1766.

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