America: Vote “No” To Grabbing Women By “Their Pussy”

2016-11-01 07


Next Tuesday an adult grown man of 70 years old who, when he was 60 years old, said he likes to grab women against their will by “their pussy” wants to be elected president of the United States.

He also boasted of kissing women against their will.

This is a man who had a mother, who is on his third wife, and who once declared –and people, alas, tools it as a joke– that if his daughter wasn’t his daughter he’d get with her because she’s so hot; this man shouldn’t be head of any organization let alone of the United States of America.

In a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-religious country Donald Trump has made abundantly clear that he is hostile to an inclusive nation. His reactionary political base of White tribalists knows what he means and he appeals to them by declaring that he wants to make America “great again.”

That’s why at his rallies African Americans have been unwelcome and some have been thrown out or assaulted. Just a few days ago Trump ordered security guards to throw out from his rally a Black man who happened to have been one of his handful of Black supporters across the country — the Black Trump supporters is a victim of the political equivalence of the Stockholm syndrome where those abused identify with their tormentors.

As the Black man was led away by two White men through a throng of jeering White people the imagery brought to mind a person being led to lynching by a mob.

Trump’s tribalists want the 19th century, in this our 21st century.

Trump launched his campaign with a hate speech declaring that Mexico was sending murderers, rapists and drug dealers to the U.S.

He’s proposed barring entry of Muslims to the United States, thereby demonizing all who practice one of the world’s great religions. He also mocked and ridiculed the Khans, the Muslim family whose son made the ultimate sacrifice when he was killed in military service.

He’s tried to turn the Central Park 5 into his Willie Hortons; trying to create the image of demonic Black criminals that represent a threat to White innocence and virtues. Even though the five Black youth who were falsely convicted of raping and brutally beating a White woman were ultimately exonerated after serving long prison sentences –and settling a civil case with New York City for $45 million– Trump continues to insist they were guilty.

Trump’s solution to police abuse and the extra judicial execution of unarmed African Americans? More stop-and-frisk policing and “law and order”; in other words more aggression and escalation of wrongful killings.

On the economic front Trump proposes a corporate tax rate cut to 15% from 35%; this is Reagonomics on steroids. There would be collapse in all social services, education and healthcare spending, record deficits and unemployment leading possibly to global economic depression.

Trump’s excitability, waking up at 3am in order to tweet insults about Alicia Machado, a former Ms. Universe, was the best demonstration why an unbalanced person should not be anywhere near the nuclear button.

Trump has presented his resume. It’s simply awful.

American voters must now reject him and vote for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

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