Trine Day’s Latest Is The Perfect Stocking Stuffer For Any JFK Assassination Aficionado

“Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and falsehood grapple; who ever knew truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter.”  –  John Milton

   When Trine Day Press publisher RA Kris Miliegan first envisioned owning his own publishing house, the words of his father Lloy- who was a career CIA covert operations agent- stuck in his head; that the secret societies pulled all the strings backstage behind the pillars of the state. The most striking example was the development and execution of the atomic bomb by Skull & Bones member and FDR’s Secretary of War Henry L. Stimpson along with other “bonesmen” at his side.

   And it was this secret- hidden between the raindrops- history that Mr. Millegan wanted to TDP to focus on. A history that connects secret societies to watershed historical events like Hiroshima, the JFK assassination, 9/11 – even embedding themselves into other fascists of our daily lives, education and sports ect. (do you know S&B created the original rules for baseball AND football).

   Sounds farfetched? Well, just step out your front door and take a trip to town hall, the post office, McDonald’s or Walmart and look at the month-long half-mast for bonesman George H.W. Bush and dare not to call it a conspiracy.

   Since its inception in 2002, TDP is proudly still one the best kept secrets in the world of book publishing, Beginning with reprinting Anthony Sutton’s underground conspiracy classic America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones.The following year TDP released Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, a pioneering anthology of articles dating back to the 19th Century all the way to the present about the infamous Yale University secret society Skull & Bones.

   From there, TDP’s catalog has mushroomed into dozens of titles, each one more daring then the next. My personal favorite is Tobias Daniel Webber’s The Templar Treasure, an investigation in the legendary Knights Templar that uncovers secret clues about the disbanded Catholic order hidden within the architecture and iconography of several Gothic cathedrals and chapels in Europe (*FULL DISCLOSURE: TDP has published two books by your truly, Ambushed:Secrets of the Bush Family-2004 and The Ganja Godfather: The Untold Story Of NYC’s Weed Kingpin– 2015) 

   TDP’s latest releases, The Inheritance and At The Cold Shoulder Of History are both the perfect stocking stuffier for any JFK assassination theorist in your family.   

   Christopher and Michelle Fulton’s The Inheritance is one of the most mind-blowing JFK assassination books to be published in decades. It is an epic chronology of a JFK file that was compiled by Kennedy’s younger brother Bobby, who collected and copied classified documents regarding his brothers’ murder in Dallas.When Bobby was assassinated himself in 1968 while running for president, his brother’s presidential secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, secured the file until her death on May 11, 1995. But when Mrs. Lincoln instructions over her will was executed, it rocked almost every sector in Washington including, the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House. 

   James C. Jenkins and William Matson’s At the Cold Shoulder Of History is equally fascinating. Going deep into the details of two separate autopsies of President Kennedy’s body on November 22, 1963. The first autopsy in Dallas and the second in Bethesda not only have major discrepancies but first -hand accounts of downright skulduggery by author Mr. Jenkins himself, who was one of two Navy Hospital Corpsmen that assisted with the Bethesda presidential autopsy. 

   Both books are groundbreaking in their breath and historical scope, but you will never see them discussed on television or in print. That space is only reserved for JFK books, as Mr. Milliagan bluntly puts it, that say “Lee (Harvey Oswald) did it.”   

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