Black Scientist Launches Tech Startup To Revolutionize Footwear

Meet Dr. Von Homer, Founder and Chief Scientist of HX Innovations, a first-of-its-kind tech startup

Photo: Black

Meet Dr. Von Homer, Founder and Chief Scientist of HX Innovations, a first-of-its-kind tech startup that aims to map a client’s body to ensure that his or her biomechanics (body movements) align with the individual’s chosen footwear.

This helps to not only mitigate or avoid future injury but also to fulfill movement goals while perhaps running a marathon or walking around the block with a grandchild.

HX Innovations also works directly with footwear manufacturers as a science-backed testing lab that can determine the efficiency of movement and the performance threshold of the footwear being sold to consumers.

“We’re kind of like a consumer report on steroids for footwear products,” says CEO Dr. Homer. “We’ve combined my layered background in pedorthics, biomechanics, ergonomics, and neuroscience to solve problems from the feet up.” The problem being, one size does not fit all. Via the patented Homer Technique, Dr. Homer and his team of scientists and researchers have cultivated propriety software and testing protocols that tie precise human factor data into footwear.

Read rest of story here.

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