Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows Part 4

Steve didn’t respond. He just turned and walked the rest of the distance back to his office. He didn’t trust her understanding. He didn’t trust Brittany’s weight to stay in control and he didn’t trust Tam’s ability to keep his secret.

Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from another perspective
A soap opera Drama #4

Tamara sat behind her steering wheel and cried.  She couldn’t believe so much had happened in thirty short minutes.  Her obsession with Tony had driven her to the downtown area.  If she had gone directly to work like she was supposed to none of this would have happened, but she had to see Tony.  When he and his wife decided to work things out she took it in stride.  She was even happy for them, but the more nights she slept alone the more she missed him and begrudged their reconciliation.  Seeing Steve with Alicia had put things into perspective.  Sure she was hurting, but it was the right thing to do.  She needed a body pillow and an extra blanket on her bed while she left Tony alone.  It would pass.  She started her car and merged into traffic.  As she approached the traffic light, she applied her brakes and waited for the green signal. Auntie Tam?  Tee-Tee? What will Brit’s baby call me?  Tammy?  

Tamara, pressed hard on the brake as she noticed that in the crowd of pedestrians there was Alicia.  She had the audacity to be smiling.  Tamara thought if I could hit her and get away with it, I would!  At that instant their eyes met.  Tamara’s pupils fixated on Alicia like a vice grip on a broken pin as she locked in on her crossing the street.  Tamara stared her down and Alicia appeared nervous and somewhat uncomfortable. 

Once she was out of danger, she stepped up on the curb and turned to Tamara, who was seething with anger, and she smirked then winked and turned to walk away. Out of desperation Tamara laid on the horn startling most everyone within a 1-mile radius, including Alicia.  When she turned around Tamara gave her the look.  They both knew from Tam’s piercing stare that this was the beginning of a fight.  Simultaneously they smiled in acceptance of the understanding.

Tam sped through the light carefully, as she was annoying other drivers.  She was calming down and praying for her unborn niece or nephew when she saw Steve entering his office.  She was completely and utterly disgusted with him too.  When Steve felt her stare he turned and their eyes met.  The confusion, fear, uncertainty and dazed look on his face made her smile.  She knew that he’d met the real Alicia too.  She hoped that Alicia’s plans were to make him miserable and stay out of her and Brittany’s lives. 

Steve tried to smile back, but he realized that things would never be the same between him and Tamara.  He knew that she would keep his indiscretion from Brittany for Brittany’s sake.  He appreciated that. 

Brittany sat at her desk, doodling on a piece of paper as she reminisced on Steve’s twirl.  He was so happy.  She grabbed her hot chocolate and sipped it.  Then she grabbed her bear claw and bit it.  Then she grabbed a few cheetos and popped them in her mouth.  She was determined to eat herself into a healthy baby.  Her phone rang.  

“Good morning, this is Brittany, how may I help you?�

“Hey Cuz, it’s me Alicia.  Are you free for lunch, my treat?â€?

“Sure, what time?�


“Great.  Are we meeting somewhere?â€?

“Let’s go to the café by the flower shop on Broadway.�

“Ok.  That’s getting to be a popular spot.  I saw Tam and Steve both there this morning.â€?

“I thought I saw all of you on my way to the doctor, but I thought, naw, not all of them.�

“I’ll see you soon.�

“Okay, bye.�

Alicia hung up and called Steve.  “Can we do lunch? Just want to apologize.â€?




“At the spot.�

“This is the last lunch until I sort things out, Alicia.�

“I know.â€?  She smiled.       

And the drama continues every Monday as Patriece dishes out the dirt in her weekly soap opera …

Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from the other prospective
A soap opera Drama written by
Patriece, author of When Somebody Loves You Back

Dinner and a movie thrust her into womanhood. There was no time for immaturity and nostalgia. She had to grow up, get it together and keep it together. She knew about abandonment from her mother. She knew about strength and coldness from her grandmother. She learned that love is best When Somebody Loves You Back.

Book sales are going extremely well for Patriece.  In fact,
her latest book signings beat out some well known veterans.

You can meet Patriece in August, 2006 at Barnes & Noble’s An Evening With the Author at Jack London Square in California.  Exact date to be announced.

On August 31, 2006 at 12:30, Patriece will be at 
Alexander Book Co
50 Second St, San Francisco, Ca.

When Somebody Loves You Back
by Patriece
is available at Barnes & Noble, Borders, and more.

Contact Patriece at [email protected]

Find out more about Patriece by contacting
Joe L. Williams, Publisher
Pressin On Publications
P.O. Box 2304
Oakland, California 94614
[email protected]

Patriece’s Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows is brought to you by Winning Strategies & Associates.

To subscribe to or advertise in New York’s leading Pan African weekly investigative newspaper, please call (212) 481-7745 or send a note to [email protected]

Previous chapters of Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows below:

Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from another prospective
A Soap Opera Drama Part 3

Steve was genuinely happy about the baby. It wasn’t that he didn’t love Brittany.  He loved her, but the past three years of her grief had taken a toll on him.  With each loss her depression spilled over into their lives more and more.  She’d taken up the nasty habit of overeating and she’d gained 20 pounds or maybe even thirty.  Even now as he walked along the windy streets back to his office he felt some concern for her weight.  That’s what had attracted him to Alicia in the first place.  She was thin, happy and fine—she was always around too.  Most evenings he watched TV with her as Brittany stared blankly at the TV and never even bothered to follow the story lines.
Oh my goodness, what happened to Alicia?  Where did she disappear to?  I’m glad she disappeared, but where did she go?
As if she’d read his mind Alicia blocked the doorway to the boutique he was approaching with her hands on her hips.  He didn’t see her right away, but when he did she looked like she was on fire.  She was angry.  He was expecting her to be hurt, but this was certainly anger.

“What was that all about?  Don’t tell me someone’s going to be a Daddy?â€?  Alicia stepped out of the way of a customer exiting the boutique and directly in front of Steve. It was apparent that she was not going to accept a Mickey Mouse answer. The customer was concerned for his safety too as she stared at the couple. 

“What are you looking at?  Mind your business!â€?  Alicia snapped at the staring customer.

The wind whipped around Steve hitting him as hard as Alicia wanted to.  She seemed unaffected by the wind.  Steve began.  “Alicia, Brittany is pregnant.  She just told me and Tamara a few minuets ago.â€? 

Alicia interrupted.  “Don’t be solemn now, I saw you twirling her around.  So, she’s finally having a baby!  Are you saying it’s over between us?â€?

Steve didn’t know what to say.  This strong-arm approach was a complete turn off.  He looked at her with unveiled disgust.  “I’m saying I have some decisions to make.  I need some space and some time—“

“You made your decision, sweetie when you came to my house and we did what we did! I don’t know what you are going to do, but leaving me is not an option.  Do you realize that Tam saw us?  Do you realize that my life is ruined?  We discussed this and we were BOTH okay with ruining OUR lives, now I’m the only one outcast?  I don‘t think so.â€?

“Alicia,â€? Steve grabbed her arm to move her on, away from the crowd her tone and body language was drawing.  As he led her away he whispered to her.  “I can’t leave her now, she’ll lose the baby.  This baby is everything to her.â€?

“Well, Houston you have a problem.â€?  Alicia whipped. 

Steve stepped back and looked at her.  Then finally he responded with the honesty in his heart.  “You know what?  I’m not feeling real good about us at this point.  If you’re forcing me to decide right now, at the expense of my child’s life I’m going to have to chose my family.â€?

“That isn’t it.  Tell me that if there was no baby we would be having this conversation?â€?

“Probably not.�

“Okay, babyâ€? She cooed.  I can live with that.  I’ll give you some space until you get your thoughts together. She leaned into him and pecked his cheek. 

Steve didn’t respond.  He just turned and walked the rest of the distance back to his office.  He didn’t trust her understanding.  He didn’t trust Brittany’s weight to stay in control and he didn’t trust Tam’s ability to keep his secret. 
Alicia watched him go.  Then there’ll be no baby.                       

And the drama continues every Monday as Patriece dishes out the dirt in her weekly soap opera …

Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from the other perspective

Barnes & Noble is hosting a book signing for Patriece on July 22, 2006 at 1:00 for her thrilling novel, When Somebody Loves You Back.  Additionally,   Patriece you can enjoy “An Evening With The Author” at Barnes & Noble in Jack London Square … on the water.

Patriece’s When Somebody Loves You Back…

Dinner and a movie thrust her into womanhood. There was no time for immaturity and nostalgia. She had to grow up, get it together and keep it together. She knew about abandonment from her mother. She knew about strength and coldness from her grandmother. She learned that love is best when somebody loves you back.

 In Barnes & Noble, and bookstores nationwide.

Contact Patriece at [email protected]

Find out more about Patriece’s book signing engagements by contacting
Joe L. Williams, Publisher
Pressin On Publications
P.O. Box 2304
Oakland, California 94614
[email protected]

To subscribe to or advertise in New York’s leading Pan African weekly investigative newspaper, please call (212) 481-7745 or send a note to [email protected]


Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from another prospective
A soap opera Drama Part 2

“Hi Baby.  What are you doing here? I thought you were working early?â€? Brittany asked Steve, then shifted to a pale Tamara.  “Tam, are you okay?  You look like you just seen Moses.â€?

No one answered right away.  They both stared at each other until Steve was sure that Tamara was waiting on his response too.

“Baby, I’m getting you some flowers.  I was just loving you and I had this burning urge to express it.  I was on my way to the flower shop when I bumped into Tamara.â€?  He leaned in and pecked her on the lips.  He didn’t want to ask her for a divorce like this. 

Tamara picked up her cell phone and dropped a tear.  She knew in her heart that he’d just gotten away with dogging her sister because she couldn’t bring herself to tell Brit what she had just seen.  When she stood up they were both looking at her, Steve with arrogance and Brit with concern.

“Tam, are you okay? Why are you crying?â€? 

Tam had to think fast, but she couldn’t shake what she’d just seen.  “I just saw Tony and his pregnant wife and it hurt my feelings.  I thought I was over him, but I guess not.â€?  Tam’s tears flowed easily now. 

Brittany embraced her as Steve commented “You’ll get over it in time. Time heals all things.â€? 

Undeniable hatred filled Tamara’s glare as she stared at him over Brittany’s shoulder.  She thought of how she had hurt Tony’s wife with their affair and she was a stranger, how bad was Steve’s affair with their cousin going to hurt Brittany?  It was certain to come out, as they were comfortable enough with one another to embrace openly on the street. 

Brittany pulled back and looked Tamara in the face.  “Tam, it’s going to be okay.  It won’t hurt forever, nothing last always—especially pain.â€?  Brittany wiped her tears. 

“Amen. Nothing last always.â€? Steve added. 

Tamara knew that, that meant he was out of love with Brittany and openly in public with Alicia because he didn’t care anymore.  Her feelings were no longer his concern. There was meanness to his tone, but poor Brittany didn’t hear anything.  Nothing was going to spoil the fact that she was entering her second trimester of pregnancy.  She’d finally gotten the courage to try again.  The three miscarriages had scarred her so, that she’d gotten on the pill for almost two years in order to get her emotions under control so that she could try again.  The doctors had told her to relax and keep her stress level down and she’d probably make it close enough to term to deliver a healthy baby.  She’d found out yesterday that she was 13 weeks.  She’d never gotten that far before.  So, this was looking like a baby!  All she had to do now was keep the stress away and she’d be a mommy!

“I wanted to tell everyone at the same time — you know the whole family — but in light of us needing some joy here, I’ll tell you two now.  Alicia and Mom and ‘em can find out later.  I’m pregnant, NOT just pregnant—13 weeks!  I’m out of the danger zone!!  She grabbed Steve in her excitement and he accommodated her joy.  He picked her up and twirled her around and this time he gave her a real kiss. 

Tamara smiled, appreciative of his response.  Things were looking better already.  This little miracle just might save their marriage, Tamara thought.

Alicia looked on from the Broadway side of the street.  This was not exactly her idea of a marriage ending.  She had demoralized herself for this man and she was not going away because of good news even if it were long awaited and an answered prayer in the form of a baby.      
“A little stress should put things back in proper order”, she thought.

And the drama continues every Monday as Patriece dishes out the dirt in her weekly soap opera …

Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from the other perspective

Barnes & Noble is hosting a book signing for Patriece on July 22, 2006 at 1:00 for her thrilling novel, When Somebody Loves You Back.  Additionally,   Patriece you can enjoy “An Evening With The Author” at Barnes & Noble in Jack London Square … on the water.


Patriece’s When Somebody Loves You Back…

Dinner and a movie thrust her into womanhood. There was no time for immaturity and nostalgia. She had to grow up, get it together and keep it together. She knew about abandonment from her mother. She knew about strength and coldness from her grandmother. She learned that love is best when somebody loves you back.


In Barnes & Noble, and bookstores nationwide.

Contact Patriece at [email protected]


Find out more about Patriece’s book signing engagements by contacting
Joe L. Williams, Publisher
Pressin On Publications
P.O. Box 2304
Oakland, California 94614
[email protected]

To subscribe to or advertise in New York’s leading Pan African weekly investigative newspaper, please call (212) 481-7745 or send a note to [email protected]


Part 1
Life from another perspective
A soap opera Drama

Tamara knew that her eyes were not playing tricks on her and that the woman on her brother-in-laws arm was not her sister.  She remembered Big Mama’s teachings of “mind your own business”, but this was her sister.  What was she supposed to do?

She picked up the phone, hit the number 1 for speed dial and instantly, Brittany was on the line.
“Hello?â€?  Tamara was thrown by Brit’s background noise—“She isn’t working today?
“Hey, Girl?â€?  Brittany sang into her cell phone.  

Tamara held the phone stupidly.  Suddenly, she couldn’t tell her.  Brit’s voice was full with joy and a hint of excitement. 
“Hey.â€?  Tamara could only muster this lame response as she struggled to regain her composure.  She panicked, realizing that Steve and the mystery woman were headed in her direction. 

“Guess what?â€? Brittany asked excitedly.  
“I have a surprise for you!â€? 

Tamara’s stomach began to quiver, she knew without a doubt that Brit was pregnant.  The tone, the surprise and the fact that she’d stopped taking her pills about three months ago were all dead giveaways. 
“Great.â€?  Tamara, stopped short of saying I have a surprise for you too, and tried to force a smile into her tone.
“Tam, are you okay?â€? 

Tamara couldn’t respond, as the mystery woman was revealed…it was their cousin.  Not just their cousin, their first and favorite cousin.  The one with keys to her apartment, keys to her car and the one who cooked her lasagna throughout her entire pregnancy whenever she asked, no matter how inopportune the situation.  This was her beloved Alicia. She struggled to come up with reasons for the two of them being together, but nothing came to mind. 

Brittany screamed into the phone “Tam!  Tam are you okay?  What’s going on? Where are you?â€?
“I’m here, I’m fine.  I…I..—think I witnessed something that I wasn’t supposed to see. I’m downtown on Franklin Street.â€?
“Really?  I’m on my way over there.  I’m just on Broadway, I’ll be right there.â€?

Before Tam could answer, Steve leaned in for the kiss and favorite cousin Alicia, received it.  Tamara’s phone slammed to the ground, a startled Steve and Alicia turned to the direction of the thump.

Brittany hurried across the street against traffic to her sister and a man that resembled her, at work already, husband and the father of her best kept secret.  

And the juice hits the fan next week.  Stay on it — Every Monday Patriece will be unfolding the drama in her weekly soap opera …
Clean Clothes, Dirty Windows
Life from the other perspective

Barnes & Noble is hosting a book signing for Patriece on July 22, 2006 at 1:00 for her thrilling novel, When Somebody Loves You Back.  Additionally,   Patriece you can enjoy “An Evening With The Author” at Barnes & Noble in Jack London Square … on the water.

Patriece’s When Somebody Loves You Back…

Dinner and a movie thrust her into womanhood. There was no time for immaturity and nostalgia. She had to grow up, get it together and keep it together. She knew about abandonment from her mother. She knew about strength and coldness from her grandmother. She learned that love is best when somebody loves you back.

In Barnes & Noble, and bookstores nationwide.

Contact Patriece at [email protected]

Find out more about Patriece’s book signing engagements by contacting
Joe L. Williams, Publisher
Pressin On Publications
P.O. Box 2304
Oakland, California 94614
[email protected]

To subscribe to or advertise in New York’s leading Pan African weekly investigative newspaper, please call (212) 481-7745 or send a note to [email protected]


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