Joe Wilson: Segregation Today; Segregation Forever!

Wilson’s mentor Thurmond: “I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.”

[On The Spot]

Congressman Addison Graves Wilson, Sr., 62, (R-SC), should be disciplined for his well calculated action when he yelled out, “You lie,” disrupting the President of the United States of America, after the president had just told the world, “The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally,” in response to all the lies floating around the country in an attempt to kill his Health Care Reform Bill. 

Rep. Wilson is a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), a known hate group; he formerly served in the Army and National Guard and should have learned discipline and diplomacy. 

He would never have spoken out in a military forum against a ranking officer even if he believed in his mind that the officer was saying something untrue; because he would have faced a court martial on the spot.

Yet, Wilson was allowed to quickly “apologize” to President Barack Obama, after being pressured to do so by members of his own party. “After a month of town hall meetings and deeply emotional conversations I had with constituents who are passionate as I’m about this issue I won’t remain silent,” Wilson later stated in an internet video about President Obama’s Health Care Bill, still trying to justify his uncouth and embarrassing display.

The president, who is a sublime character typically, responded: “I’m a big believer that we all make mistakes.  He apologized quickly and without equivocation, and I’m appreciative of that.”

Well, that’s what a president is supposed to say.

If you ask me, some of these so called, “Town hall meetings,” should be monitored by Homeland Security if they aren’t already.
Wilson is a hypocrite. There is a lot in his history to expose his lack of respect for Obama. He learned from one of the most ardent segregationist and racist; the late Sen. Strom Thurmond, for whom Wilson worked as an aide.

You can tell a man’s character and beliefs by the company he keeps.

Wilson’s mentor Thurmond set a dubious record for the longest filibuster ever by a United States Senator; he was opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. His filibuster lasted 24 hours and 18 minutes; nonstop.

In 1948, when President Harry S. Truman desegregated the Army, wanted to write a national anti-lynching law, asked for abolishing Poll Taxes, and called for the establishment of a Fair Employment Practices Commission, Thurmond challenged Truman. He ran as a third party candidate, carrying the banner of the “States’ Rights,” Democrats; so-called Dixiecrats. He won 2.4% of the popular vote, 39 electoral votes, and four states.

Thurmond then made his famous 1948 speech:

“I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there’s not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.”
Wilson must be familiar with this speech; and maybe it ran through his mind when he sat there watching an African American president speak about how health care reform would help all Americans; White and Black.

Maybe Thurmond’s speech was going through his mind when Wilson blurted: “You lie!” He was standing up for his mentor.

Years ago, when Wilson learned that his revered Thurmond had fathered a daughter with his African American maid, he denounced Thurmond’s daughter after she went public with the news. Wilson wanted Thurmond’s daughter to continue to live a lie and not let the world know who her real father was.

“You lie!”

At best Wilson displayed no self control when he leapt to disrespect President Obama and the United States before the entire world. He was also sending a clear message to some of the thugs that have hijacked the town hall meetings, showing up with Swastikas, portraits of Obama-as-Hitler, and carrying loaded weapons.

“You lie!”

If this type of behavior, reminiscent of the heydays of the Ku Klux Klan, we will soon hear, “Hang the bastard,” coming from these town hall meetings. Perhaps that’s what Wilson intended to say? Disrespecting the president before the entire Congress and the world? Can you imagine Wilson and his crew stumbling on a dark night in South Carolina upon and African American family whose car had broken down? Perish the thought.

“You lie!”

Wilson’s display of disrespect was shown on just about every major network minus Fox News; millions of viewers around had tuned in to watch the president’s speech.

Rep. Wilson had many avenues for confronting the president with any legitimate concerns. “My door is always open to new ideas,” the president has said.

Congressman Joe Wilson is an elected official; he should have been removed from the house floor and charged with behavior unbecoming a U.S. Representative; disruption of the business of the White House; disloyalty to his Commanding Officer; and, insubordination.

Recall that on May 22, 2003, the Senate Judiciary Committee Public Hearing came to a close when a New York woman from the Center for Judicial Accountability, stood up and asked to be heard on the record: “Mr. Chairman, there is citizen opposition to Judge Wesley based on his documented corruption as a New York Court of Appeals judge. May I testify?”  This woman was immediately seized by the DC Capitol Police, arrested for “Disruption of Congress,” and put in jail for six months.

Wilson, hypocrite, worked as an immigration attorney before being elected as a representative of his state. In 2003, he voted to provide federal funds for illegal immigrants’ healthcare. 

I grew up in a home with seven siblings and when one of us did something wrong, we were all punished. I did not understand why and thought it was unfair. 

But, when you live under rules and laws, you learn there must be some accountability to maintain order. We live in a country, which expects us to follow the “Laws of the land,” and the same must apply to our lawmakers, and law enforcers.
The U.S. House of Representatives must get its house in order – because, “A house divided will not stand.” 

Investigative news tips? Contact Winkfield via (646) 387-8964 or On The Spot, Post Office Box 230149, Queens County 11423; Email: [email protected].  Together we can get the justice everyone just talks about. 

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“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

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