Resisting The Callous, Heartless, Ice Age of Donald Trump


Dr. Karenga. Photo–Facebook

There is a rising arctic winter wind blowing our way, ravishing the rights, lands and lives of the people. And it is an irony of history that the people who are denying climate change in nature are causing a climate change in society with similar devastating and disastrous effects and parallel denials of their destructiveness.
And if we rightly read the signs and lessons of history, which Malcolm assures us “is best qualified to reward our research,” we cannot help seeing signs already of a coming Ice Age, a prevailing condition of deadly cold and bone-breaking callousness that is normalized and called “necessary” for the “common good”or to “make America great again” with no moral meaning attached to it.
Certainly, Trump’s celebration at the White House of the passage of a bill that among other things would deny or make prohibitive health coverage and treatment for those with pre-existing conditions reflects the coldness and callousness of the changing climate. After all, how can lessening the possibility of preventable death and suffering merit celebration in a normal human mind and moral system? Billed as a victory celebration, the White House huddling and
hurrahing resembled a death dance for many who see their lives and futures now hanging in the balance. What other than an ice age “morality” could justify or even explain a celebration of the denial of health care and health coverage for the poor and vulnerable while the rich rejoice in the Rose Garden?
Surely, we can only make sense of this senseless and immoral conception of victory and celebration, if we realize Trump and his cohorts and the society in which they do their dances and deeds of death are carriers and perpetrators of pre-existing conditions themselves, diseases of heart and mind that diminish and distort their sense of humanity, morality and fellow-feeling.
It is pre-existing conditions of racism, classism, sexism and other forms of oppression and an accompanying moral numbness to others’ death, disease and suffering established at the very founding of the country. It is in this context of
pre-existing social savagery and sickness that the issue of adequate health care for all becomes a problem rather than being accepted and embraced as a human right and moral obligation.
It is too easy and grossly inadequate to focus on Trump alone, for nobody and nothing comes into being by itself. Everyone and everything is rooted in a history and current condition that grounds them. So, Trump could not be Trump without the sanction and support of the society that provided “the swamp”, to use his words, from which he and his mean-spiritedness, ruthlessness, and irrational and amoral proposals, plans and policies emerge.
Thus, if we are to survive and end this coming Ice Age of Trumpism unfolding in full blast in front of us, we must quickly admit the problem is not Trump himself, but his openly out-of-control supporters and his complicit enablers of various kinds and commitments and the pre-existing conditions that existed and brought him into being as president. The man, himself, though regularly offering a monstrous display of real ignorance and illusionary arrogance, did not elect himself, create the racism, classism, sexism, xenophobia, immigrant-bashing, religious chauvinism, Islamophobia, and all the other morally repugnant and humanly disastrous policies, proposals and practices with which his administration is infected and seeks to impose.
It is the context and the wide spectrum of Americans who have elected him, and that have given him the sanction and support that allows him to make claims without evidence, ramble on without reason and do his speech and acts of evil and injustice, and peddle them as worthy all-day news. And only a relentless and righteous resistance can halt the spread of the cold and callous things planned and reverse all those evil and ugly things already put in place.

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