America Has An Angry White People Problem

America has an angry white people problem.

Photos: YouTube

America has an angry white people problem. Black people, and other minorities, had better pay careful attention.

Some may say America has always had an angry white people problem. True enough. However, given the fact that we are at a crossroads in a demographically changing darkening America, right now angry white people are particularly dangerous.

There are many incidents we have witnessed recently that illustrate the escalating bigoted bad behavior of far too many white Americans, from right-wing America.

For example, last week we saw a white ignoramus, Benjamin Eugene Dagley, 54, on live tv, in the process of attempting to attack MSNBC reporter Shaquille Brewster–ever after Brewster did his best to avoid this belligerent buffoon. Thankfully, Brewster wasn’t hurt and this maniacal moron has been charged.

Then there was that viral video incident, a couple Saturdays ago, when a white woman decided it was her white privilege to slap a Black man (during a Pittsburgh Steelers game) after he had the audacity to tell her not to touch him. The police are said to be investigating this incident as well.

What the hell is wrong with these violent white people? Is it because they see America changing, in terms of color, in a way they feel will threaten their historical monopolization of power?

It’s hard to see this as anything else–especially, when the Trump-inspired coup attempt on Congress on Jan. 6th is taken into account. Jan 6th was a historic event that nearly gave us dead members of Congress and a Donald Trump dictatorship.

Unfortunately, far too many seem unaware of the gravity of that day. This is partially because of the apocalyptic climate we have just lived through with Covid–and the righteous eruption of indignation that occurred after the cold-blooded murder by cop of George Floyd.

However, those of us who are non-white had better become acutely aware of the danger of this large homicidal and suicidal white right-wing segment of America. We must become vigilant against the present threat of white right-wing violence.

Ever since the ascendancy of the dumbest most dangerous president ever to sit inside the White House, American bigotry has been unleashed with a ferocity. Trump was the answer to the fears these white Americans felt when the coming new America led to the election of America’s first Black President Barack Obama.

The “make America great again” Trump terrorists want the old America where Black people are again at the back of the bus. And we must be clear of this: these are not non-violent people. They are the most Second Amendment gun crazy characters in the country.

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