Lena & Brnie FINAL SHOT (1)

(PHOTO BY KYRA JEAN) The kids are alright in 2020 America and all in with Bernie defeating Trump this fall. 

Spare a thought for the stay-at-home voter, lets drink to the salt of the earth.”- The Rolling Stones

In all my twenty nine years a journalist covering American presidential politics I have never endorsed a candidate for the highest office in the land.

This Super Tuesday is different.

Although I would recommend voting for any candidate over Donald Trump in 2020 this coming November -this primary season- I am endorsing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States in 2020. 

However, I am not just asking for you vote for Sen. Sanders and go home. I am are asking you- all of you– to sign up and join the movement to defeat Donald Trump and elect Bernie Sanders this November. I am asking you to volunteer in your community- in coordination with the campaign- and go door to door to mobilize and organize those whom both parties have ignored and neglected for decades. They need to be registered to vote, educated on the issues and though frequent meet-ups find purpose and a sense of empowerment rising in the community. Most of all, we need to get everyone to the polls this election day. We need to do this across America in every state and county. 

The Black Star News recently hit the campaign trail with the Sanders campaign and discovered that just as inspiring as Bernie himself is the grassroots volunteer movements of millions of, racially diverse young people of every gender behind the scenes making it all happen. With their green-army-pants-black-T-shirts-backward-baseball-hats and their laptops, clipboards and cameras covered in Bernie stickers- it is THEY who are the front lines saving American democracy and our planet from an environmental catastrophe. 

 Don’t let their youthful glow fool you. They are serious organizers out in the community, marching in solidarity with workers on strike and protesting in the streets with climate change activists. They defend women being harassed outside Planned Parenthood’s front doors. They help those being evicted from their homes and fill out forms for the elderly at emergency rooms. They got representatives elected nationwide in 2018, like New York Rep .Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez .They are most informed, motivated, determined, and powerful political force in American history. They are the most important and ignored story of the 2016 and 2020 elections. No one knows this better then the candidate himself and the relationship Bernie has fostered with these kids over time is remarkably egoless and compassionate. And while they toil and struggle for us all- instead of encouraging young people to get involved in the democratic process- the old guard baby boomers in the corporate media mock them and their ideals as “Utopian fantasies,” like former Clinton political hack James Carville did on MSNBC last weekend. 

As for the Senator from Vermont, no politician in the last forty years has been as consistently progressive then Sen. Bernie Sanders. No one has stood on the side of the middle class and the poor like Bernie, marching on picket lines and protests nationwide. His campaign is fueled by issues like universal health care, free tuition for publicly funded colleges, free pre-school childcare, a $15hr minimum wage and legal cannabis nation via “day one” executive order. He message draws in support from ALL facets of the American political fabric as well those who have been forgotten by both parties. His no frills message of transforming America by tipping the economic playing field towards Middle-America and away from those who need it least, the billionaire class is bold. Yet, like the Green New Deal, all of Bernie’s policy positions are as imperative as they are intrepid. He may not be from the ivy-league or have the best set of hair or dashing jawline. But he is Bernie and right now that is what American needs. Putting Stacey Abrams or California Senator Kamala Harris on the ticket this summer is the Democrats best chance of defeating Trump in the fall. 

Pay no attention to corporate TV pundits pulling their out over Bernie’s victories on Super Tuesday. It is just the overture compared to what the GOP will do him the fall. Any theories about electability this far away from November are as half brained as Morning Joe’s over-caffeinated rants every morning. Just remember, these are the same folks pontificating for last two months that Michael Bloomberg was the one candidate that could defeat Trump in November, only to discard him after Joe Biden won one state primary in over three presidential campaigns spanning six decades. If you haven’t figured it out already, these people have no clue about the national political landscape anymore. 

 In a way, this is what this primary battle is all about: A fight between the America’s past and America’s future. Do we just statically stay nostalgic for the past or do move forward to form “a more perfect union.” Do we play it safe like with Al Gore, John Kerry & Hillary Clinton or do we let it rip like Barack Obama & Bernie Sanders? 

Right now-despite South Carolina- all, the energy and momentum of this of this pre-nomination phase is blowing in Bernie’s direction. The reason is simple. The American people, no matter what demographic label they may wear have had it with two-party-double-speak political talk that has for decades has enabled the billionaires to make out like bandits while those work for them live paycheck to paycheck in squalor for $7.25 an hour. Town after town across America is shutting down as more store fronts are shuttered on Main Street then then are open. Meanwhile Amazon CEO Jeff made $13 billion in a few minutes a few weeks ago after a positive earnings report was released. The majority of Americans in either red or blue states do not have $400 in case of an emergency car repair or doctor visit and job termination and eviction are certain to soon follow, 

And Bernie, leader of this massive mobile rapid action force of young people, asks the American people an important question in 2020. “Could there really be a movement in America which brings together Black and whites and Latinos, and Asian Americans and Native Americans, gay and straight, to stand up as working class people fighting for change?”

Join that movement today. 

Donald Trump’s Worst Nightmare!  

The Rolling Stones – Salt Of The Earth (Official Lyric Video)  

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